Child Trafficking Busted in Belagavi

A child trafficking racket was busted in Belagavi on 21 June by the police of Belagavi heading DC Nitesh Patil. A fake doctor Abdul Gaffar Ladkhan accused of selling a 30-day-old girl for ₹60,000.

Not only this, the police raided the house of the accused and found 3 dead fetuses in the backyard. After the investigation, the police took Rohit Kuppasagoudar, Abdul Gaffar, and three others into custody.

Rohit is the assistant of the fake doctor Abdul Gaffar who is accused of burning the embryos in the ground.

What’s the Actual Case?

The accused used to target 7-8 months unmarried pregnant women who came for abortion. According to the police, the doctor used to do the abortion and take the child with him, took care and then sold them for money. They have been doing this for years

How was the Child Trafficking Racket Busted?

The Child Protection Unit helped the police to bust the racket. The unit got a tip that a nurse, Mahadevi, was involved in this racket. They planned a scenario as if they wanted to buy the child. The nurse agreed to sell the child for 1.4 lakhs and the Child Protection Unit attacked her, saving the child.


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